Banquet dinner at Sundvolden Hotel

Sundvolden Hotel is an accommodation in the village of Sundvollen, Hole municipality in Buskerud county.
The place has a history that goes back to 1648, when it was a restaurant and perhaps also accommodation there. In 1788, the inn was recommended as accommodation for travellers, with a tavern and an inn, and the sale of beer and spirits. The hotel grew strongly in the 19th century due to its location on the Bergen royal road, which came in 1805. In 1811, Sundvollen was awarded a formal royal grant to run an inn on the farm, and throughout the 19th century and well into the 20th century, Sundvolden is often visited by royalty from both Denmark and abroad.
In 2011, Sundvolden Hotel was a gathering place and accommodation for relatives, aid crews and a large press gathering in connection with the terror attack on Utøya.

Related link:

Sundvolden - | - Sundvolden Hotel - Konferansehotell utenfor Oslo

Previous event: Blaafarveværket

Next event: Utøya - Not part of the official program

Program: International Studebaker Meet Europe


Dato lørdag 10. august 2024
Klokkeslett 19:0021:00
Kalender Aktivitetskalender


Navn Sundvolden Hotell
Dronningveien 2